Prof Edwin van Beek

Chair in Clinical Radiology
School of Clinical Sciences

Most of the research is aimed at developing quantifiable measurements related to lung parenchymal and cardiovascular disorders in order to have the tools for assessment of severity of disease and the response to (novel) treatments. In addition, much of this work is aimed at reducing the requirements of ionising radiation (whether by using novel techniques in CT or by using MRI) or need for invasive procedures (e.g. CT instead of invasive angiography or MRE instead of liver biopsy), thus allowing more intensive monitoring to become available as required. Furthermore, we are developing tools within the Molecular Imaging domain, such as the development of new tracers for inflammation, neovascularity and perfusion (both CRIC driven and through partnership with commercial entities). Lastly, retinal imaging is being introduced to study its potential role as a biomarker in systemic diseases, including atherosclerosis and diabetes.

For further information, please see individual pages through Edinburgh Research Explorer

Prof Edwin van Beek
Prof Edwin van Beek