Mr Iain Bethune

EPCC Project Manager
School of Physics and Astronomy

Iain works at EPCC, specialising in performance analysis and optimisation of HPC applications. He develops scalable software to allow researchers to harness HPC resources such as HECToR and ARCHER - the UK National HPC Services - and the European PRACE infrastructure. Most of his work has been in the area of Materials Science, and he is a developer on the CP2K project - a powerful program enabling Density Functional Theory and other atomistic modelling techniques to be applied a diverse range of systems using tens of thousands of CPU cores at a time.

Iain has a wide-ranging interest in high performance computing architectures and programming models including MPI, OpenMP, CUDA and OpenCL and is a developer for the PrimeGrid volunteer computing project, which promotes mass participation in the solution of mathematical problems, as well as finding very large - million digit - prime numbers

For further information, please see individual pages through Edinburgh Research Explorer 

Mr Iain Bethune
Mr Iain Bethune